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Syntra Small | Code Editor Built for Speed

Ferramentas de programação Utilitários Utilitários
Developer: Garet McKinley

Meet Syntra Small. The ultra lightweight code editor for OS X.

Its small enough to launch in under a second, but powerful enough to syntax highlight nearly 50 languages and integrate with online script sharing services!

– C U S T O M E R _ R E V I E W S –
"Simply put, small is one little utility that every seasoned software engineer needs to have in their arsenal" - Beta Program Member

"Overall great minimal code editor. Starts up significantly faster than both Sublime Text and Atom and hasnt crashed on me after a week of constant usage." - Nic Torrato

– L A N G U A G E _ S U P P O R T –
Although small is capable of editing any text based document, it supports syntax highlighting for C++, Clojure, Coffee, ColdFusion, C#, CSS, Git Diff, GLSL, GoLang, Groovy, Haxe, HTML, Jade, Java, JavaScript, JSON, JSP, JSX, LaTeX, LESS, Liquid, Lua, Markdown, Perl, PHP, PostgreSQL Plist, Powershell, Python, Objective-C, Ruby, Scala, SCSS, SH, SASS, SQL, SVG, Swift, Text, XML, YAML, and more!

– I N T E G R A T I O N S –
• Login with GitHub and share any scripts as GitHub Gists!
• You can upload scripts of any length with one click to!
• When sharing small pastes with fellow small users, theyll be able to one click import your script into their editor via a "open in small" button on
• More integrations are coming very soon!